
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

As Dick Dastardly would say 'Drat & Double Drat!'

Damn,Damn,and Damn again

Last night heralded the 3rd Auto Rickshaw Race.
The Three competitors was myself, Phil and Steve. We were about 25 mins away from the hotel and it was the longest track so far.

Our Lovely Host Sabina gave all 3 of the Rickshaw drivers the clear instructions, and suddenly we were under starters orders and off.......

I made a good start and shot off into an early lead. Closely followed by Steve, with Phil bringing up the rear. However for what Steve's rickshaw lacked in acceleration, on the straights, he caught up with me. Knowing this was going to be a tough race I was frantically shouting words of encouragement to my driver. Whether he understood was a different thing altogether.

Suddenly a point in the race changed everything. Me and Steve approached a T-junction. Steve's driver slammed on the brakes, but my driver, drove straight through the red lights like a maniac..Holy crap it was cool, but a bit nerve wracking...

The driver was really going for it now. I was bouncing along in the back like some sort of Fat overwight jockey riding the National on the home straight. I couldn't help but grin. Steve and Phil were way back at this stage. I suddenly had dreams of me smiling smugly occupying the winning post back at the hotel. This was furthered by the rest of the guys that were driving back in the car. They confirmed that I was in the lead, and by a long, long way.....

However something happened that unnerved me somewhat. The car went one way, and my Rickshaw went the other..Maybe the guy knew a short cut or something???

This is where things started to go pear shaped. The driver for some reason had taken me to the local shopping centre called 'PVR' This was about 10 mins away from the Hotel. I started shouting at him, "no mate. The Welcome Marriott Hotel. I need to go there. Jaldi. Jaldi" The driver simply stared back at me blankly. It was apparent that he did not have a clue where the hotel was...

I frantically rang Sabina, and asked her to speak to the driver and give him clear directions. During this time I was losing precious minutes and was looking at the realisation that victory was going to be snatched from my clutches again..5 Mins passed and we set off again. I was on the main road and pulled up to the hotel and........

The delay had been costly. Phil & Steve had already got back......I had lost again.

Now those of you that know me, You will know that I am a very gracious loser. I am humble in defeat, as I am in Victory..I can shake the victor's hands and congratulate them on a good race, consoling myself that it is the participation that counts..

What a load of bull*%**...I hate losing and even more so when I should have won!!!!

I will catch that pigeon..One day. One day !!!!!!!


  • Yeah i know about yor bad losing, I look forward to beating you at ProEvo 4 when u get back :)
    BTW we did see peter key on friday when we spoke to you also i ran into cara on the weekend. Its a small world love u man.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:17 AM  

  • Stop shagging and post more updates where getting bored here :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:36 AM  

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