
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Race, The Bounty & a packet of Fruitella's

Last night started off fairly quietly. I was still recovering from a bit of a dodgy stomach, and looked forward to a quiet meal.

Sue & Phil met me downstairs in the hotel bar after work and we just chilled for a while. Pete & Alex then arrived so we decided to get some food. By this time Sue had polished off several Large Vodka's & Cranberries and we decided to hit Dak Shin. This place do the most superb Indian Food.

We had a number of different dishes and each time specified that we want the mild ones. Pete was still dodgy about his stomach. This got lost in translation and all the food was hot and spicy (nice though)

By now Sue was well and truely gone, She was sat there saying

'It's woman's day today'
'I never swaer and I'm a real f&%&*** lady me hic'

As the desserts arrived Phil tried to spike Sue's ice cream with Chilli powder. She still had her wits about her unfortunately and didn't touch it.

As per my previous log, we had talked about a Auto-Rickshaw race. Phil then said why don't we have the race now.

We split into two Teams. Sue and Phil against me and Alex. Pete decided to wait at the ranch and act as judge. The stiplations in the race included this

Each team must hail a Rickshaw
Driver to PVR (local shopping complex) and back.
Stop at PVR and each buy an item of fruit
Hold hands the entire time

With the rules agreed both teams set off at a gallop out of the hotel. I've never seen the doorman salute so many people so fast. We legged it to the hotel gates and.....There was absolutely no traffic on the road whatsoever. Hmm well is was about one in the morning.

Phil and Sue wandered up the road, whilst me and Al, hung round the gates looking for our elusive fare. It sounded like Sue & Phil were being attacked by Kuja and his pals, and I didn't fancy the old foaming mouth so waited some more.

Crafty one that I am I asked the doorman if he could get us a Rickshaw. He said that there won't be many around at this time, but could get us a taxi. Now I know this is in Breach of rule No1, but there was our reputation and 100 rupees at stake.

We sneaked in our Taxi and drove past Sue & Phil. Laughing at our cunning that we were already ahead and confident of a victory. PVR however, like everywhere else was pretty much shut down. We only found one shop that was open and they only sold chocolate,cigs etc. Hang on, they sell bounty's..They're full of cocunut. Also I spied a packet of Fruitella's....they're full of the stuff..

With our two fruits we headed to where the Rickshaws were and grabbed the first driver. Throwing him 50 rupees we said Marriott Hotel 'Jaldi,Jaldi'..This guy however didn't know his stuff and spent a good few mins working out the directions...It's only two roads...

Suddenly just as we set off, Vodka Bird & Phil ran past us. Sue tried to drag me out of the rickshaw, but we sped off again. Thinking now that they had only just arrived, made us more relaxed. We had a nice quiet sedate journey back to the hotel, smug as you like that victory was ours for the taking.

This mood changed somewhat when as we pulled up Sue and Phil were already legging it back to the hotel...How the hell they got ahead of us I don't know.

We had to admit that we had been well and truely beaten. Of course being the Gallant Victors, Phil & Sue didn't rub it in our face too much...yeah right.

So ended the race. Sue and Phil had stopped into Subway and got two pieces of cake with nuts in them..Although this technically doesn't class as fruit, with our meagre offering we could hardly complain.

Now I could sit here and complain about why we lost...In actual fact I'm gonna.

Our Rickshaw driver was c***.He seemed to ignore our pleas for speed and took us the scenic route back home.

Alex counting out all his loose change to pay for the bounty & Fruitella's...10.....20......25...Oh I've lost count etc etc

Not having Sue on our Team..The vodka sodden 'lady' who persisted in shouting Snell,Snell at the poor rickshaw driver.I didn't even know he was German....


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