
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Snakes. Why did it have to be Snakes?

Had another exciting weekend. After a big session on Friday night, to wave off Pete & Al I didn't do much at all..Got up late and vegged at the pool all afternoon. Had a Head & Shoulder massage then went to China Gardens for a meal..Just what I needed.

I was beginning to feel that I was not soaking up enough culture, and was glad when we decided to go to India Gate. It's a really popular place, and the gate itself is a War Memorial. The surrounding park area is full of weird and exciting things. From countless hawkers, to children doing cartwheels, to the one thing I wanted to experience the most.....Holding a Snake.

The guys had been here last week and got the chance to hold a Cobra. Well when I say hold, they had it in a basket. I decided to go the full hog and have the snake around my neck. Now I must admit that I was quite nervous, especially when another guy turned up with 2 monkeys. This seemed to wind the snake up a bit, and I had images of Mojo & his wife battling with the bloody Cobra. The guy reassured me that it was ok. Hmmm this did not inspire much confidence, but I managed to stay there for a picture opportunity.

The place itself is so colourful, but the temperature is stifling..It must have been 36 degrees. Time for a bit of Opulence, so we headed to the Imperial Hotel. To be honest it makes the Marriott seem like a Berni Inn. We sat on the terrace and had an amazing meal..Steak & Mash...Gorgeous.


  • P.R.A.Y. F.O.R. M.O.J.O.

    P.R.A.Y. F.O.R. B.R.I.A.N.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 AM  

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