The Last Log in India (For now)....
Well I'm now getting ready to leave work very soon, and this is my last blog entry in India (at least for a while)
Although it's been an amazing adventure I'm looking forward to coming home.
Please note Warburtons music playing in the background for this blog...
Coming home to my country. The country that is truely 'Great Britain'. Where the meat and potato pasties are always flowing. The weather remains ever unpredictable, but always welcoming, and the pork pies are plentiful. The land that created football, and generously shared it with the rest of the world. The land where your local pub welcomes you with open arms and a cheery smile (and crappy holts beer). Where richness and diversity is everywhere, where the Queen (god bless her) reigns over us all. When on a friday night you can pop to the local chippy, stuff your face & still get change from a few quid. Where my wife, my family & friends all live & look out for me. Where I feel loved, cared for & happy. A country of Coronation Street, big brother, Ant & dec,Eastenders (is Phil back yet), Peter Kay, and yes we don't mind when it's spittin...A place I call home, my home...
It is said that you can take the lad out of Manchester, but not the Manchester out of the lad & god damn it I wouldn't have it any other way.
As that red sequinned shoed gal from Kansas once said
'There's no place like home?'
p.s. Hello Phil's mum. How you doin?
Hi Brian.Enjoyed your`diary`from India.Hope you had a good flight home and enjoy your Greggs meat and potato pasties.
Cheers Chris(Phils mum)
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