
Friday, April 22, 2005

Brian and Marsh sitting in a tree ...

Well this must be a first.A nice picture of me & Marsh..Admittedly I'm still pulling a rather unusual face, but normally Meesh shy's away from the camera much in the same way that Matt talks bollocks & wears naff poncy clothes...quickly and all the time????

Well the night in question was to celebrate my birthday on the Saturday before marsha returned to the UK on the 10th April. The place was TGI Fridays' in versant Vihay

As you can see from the rather large cocktail in front of me I'd decided to hit it large in my last days as a twenty something....

As the cocktails flowed and I got drunker & drunker a strange notion came to my mind.I'm not too sure what particular piece of music inspired this thought, but I suddenly decided to re-inact a 'Jay One' classic. I wandered to near the bar and cleared some space, and attempted to do my own version of the now infamous 'Swan Dive'.....

No surprises for what happened next. I end up flat on my face looking like some floundering beached whale, with the staff of TGI's wondering what the hell this stupid Englishman was up to....

Although there ws only four of us, me, Marsh, Sue & Dave I had a top laugh. Another highlight was when the staff got me up on the table, give me a cake and proceded to wish me happy birthday.

Oh to be twenty nine again hey?

The Swan dive..Jay gave me 6.5 for effort, 3 for execution...Not too bad really

This is us leaving the bar at the end of the night. Sue went up to the little guy in the picture, and asked him where our driver was..Makes you wonder how drunk Sue was, as the poor little guy WAS our driver...Hmm he doesn't look nervous at all does he???


  • nice pic, i have enjoyed reading your amazing tale and learning lots of new stuff about my cousin in law just one question though, why do you think you are a scorpio? am i missing something.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:17 AM  

  • for some reason when I entered my date of birth it said I was a SCORPIO...To correct it let me state i am a lifelong ARIES fan and am proud to be one..

    However if you combine them???
    I've got a powerful ramming action but if you get to close you might get stung

    By Blogger Brian Jones, at 9:53 AM  

  • Hahah i am glad that you tried to pull off the J 1 errmm i mean pull one of the greatest.....i mean greatest moves in entertainment.

    If your lucky and we get pissed on your return (which goes without saying) i might have to show you how the J 1 does it =) take it easy brother.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 AM  

  • Oi what do you mean naff...!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:48 AM  

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