
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Day 4 in India

Well the past three 1/2 days have been amazing.

The highlight has been the 'operations' party..Free beer all night and the locals just don't stop dancing.I also got offered the local cigar 'BD' Though it would be rude to say no and had a go.They're single leaves with crappy toxins in these bad boys..They are quite harsh and I've not been back since.

Work is going really well. A lot of that is from the level these guys are at.They are so professional and hard workers. Think my views have already changed regarding the 'exploitation' issues surrounding western work in this country.

These people want to work so much and that dedication really shows in their personality. I know you could argue that we should not exploit a poor country, but to be honest we are providing work for these people. They love the job and are intelligent enough to appreciate this opprotunity. They are so family orientated and support their parents, grandparents with a majority of their wages..

I have realised that you cannot solve all the worlds problem, and you have to make the best out of your situation. That's what these people are doing..Seizing a fantastic opportunity...good karma my friends....


  • Have you got your camera? There had better be some pictures from all this crazyness.

    By Blogger Mark Slattery, at 5:57 AM  

  • Dont get me started on this... Their happy because they probably do get paid more then the adverage indian but if they now how much they could really earn in the same job if they where in the UK they wouldnt be too happy. So ineffect it Exploiting them because they live in a poorer country then our own. Anyway at least your getting pain UK wages whilst over there.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:47 AM  

  • I think that the J 1 could do with going on a spelling course! :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:43 AM  

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