
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Stand by me

A friend of mine is doing a photography course for Uni. The project is based on 'Sixth Sense'. She went to a local cematery to get some shots with a friend recently. Now let me explain that this graveyeard is really old, most stones date back to WW1 or before. As they were walking down the path my friend stopped suddenly. about 5 yeads ahead of her she saw two legs, where someone was either a) passed out b) very drunk or c) dead. Not wishing to look at what could be a rotting corpse they called the police. When they attended the police managed to wake the man. Apparently he'd taken an overdose and wished to end his time on earth. Now I have already mentioned how old the graveyard is. If my friends hadn't been there the poor guy may have still been there now...He was taken to hospital and although not confirmed is hopefully still alive

Well done to Ginge and Emma. Saving a guy's life is pretty cool.


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