
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Accustomed already

Well it's been over a week here and I'm already getting used to the place.
Thought I'd tell you my typical day in work so far.
I get up at ten-ish..Head downstairs and stack up on the old caffiene in the hotel.
Our driver Vijay picks us up at 12:00. He's a cool guy, but doesn't say much. On the way out the doomen (maharaja's) open the door,salute and we're in the car.
Within a few yards we're in the thriving metropolis that is New Delhi. The roads are often busiest during this time. The first junction we come to is normally where there are a lot of beggars. They approach the car, and start tapping on the window.Still quite tough to deal with. Soon enough we're on the main highway to Gugaon (where are building is).
Most of the building is like a building site. Although in the week I've been here, there is a noticeable difference.These guys work long hours,dangerous work, and all for 50 rupees a day. Antony, I don't think Site supervisers are a premium here.
Get into work and lunch is served. For the first few days I was ok with it, but I don't think I've got a strong enough stomach for spicy food that early. However the Dhal is nice with a couple of small pitta breads.
Meet up wit the the guys and always shake everyone's hand. It's a custom out here that I really like. Plus, the guys always seem happy to see you.
Start work at 13:30, thats 08:00 your time guys. So far my job has involved monitoring the guys and sorting out any issues..I work through till 01:30 (20:00) and our old pal Vijay is often found asleep, waiting for us downstairs.
The drive back at that time is fairly quiet...20 mins or so.
Back to the hotel and I often have a couple of beers with Sue and Andi.
I still however am not too tired and end up staying up till about 04:30. The TV here is not too bad. There's either a decent film, or a bit of footie to watch. Maybe order room service and grab a sandwich
Soon enough I'm asleep and up again at 10 to do it all over again......
Our shifts are 2 days in, one day off..I'm off next on Saturday..woo hoo

Long hours but well worth it.......


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